Our offer
The Balanced at work solutions reveal the full potential of your team.
What does the Balanced France offer consist of?
Train and integrate
the Balanced at work method in your team
Balanced at work Bootcamps

Balanced at work
Inter-company training
for employees of all seniorities
3 days to understand, experience and integrate balance management at the individual level.
Bootcamp experience
Before the bootcamp: individual evaluation (Online)
Collective Applied Training
Collective intelligence
Networking (start-ups, SMEs and large groups)
2 follow-up sessions in individual coaching
Format: Dune Paris or Domaine de la Plume
Bootcamp level 1 objectives
Restore confidence in each team member’s ability to be well
Concretely support management in its managerial issues
Support the development of time-consuming habits to achieve sustainable individual and collective impact
Positively impact your quality of life and HR performance and engagement challenges
The Balanced at Work Method
applied to organizational and managerial issues
2 days to understand, experience and integrate balance management at the organizational and managerial level.
Level 1 is a prerequisite for level 2.
Bootcamp experience:
Before the bootcamp: individual evaluation of the manager (Online)
Collective Applied Training
Collective intelligence
Networking (start-ups, SMEs and large groups)
2 follow-up sessions in individual coaching to accompany the change management phase
Format: Parisian offsite or outside Paris

Bootcamp level 2 objectives

Get out of isolation and equip yourself to better support your teams

Step out of your isolation and equip yourself to better support your teams

Join the community of Balanced companies that believe in and are building the company of tomorrow (networking, visibility, impact)